
We love our programs!  As of now, we presently serve in three primary capactities: regular outreach to the  Williamson County Juvenile Services, through summer camp sponsorships for members of our community, and our most recently added outreach services to the Central Texas Treament Center.  We are so excited to be serving in such a variety of capacities!


Though we cannot provide pictures of the students that we serve within this program, we would love to share some photos of the staff and members of our team serving in this program.  Presently, we serve roughly 15-25 students per service.  We love getting to share the love and truth of Jesus with these young men and women, and we hope that they understand how truly valuable they are to our Heavenly Father. 

It is an honor and a privilege to get to serve these young people and the staff that work so diligently to help them grow and overcome their current situations.  While we may not get to see many of them again, we believe that God is preparing the soil of their hearts before we arrive and the seeds He is planting are ripe for the harvest.

There are several capacities in which we serve this organization: bi-weekly church services, annual Christmas dinner, gift donations, and random acts of service from snack donations to participating in community partnership events sponsored by the facility.  We are dedicated to serving this organization and love seeing what God is doing in and through us each time we go.

Camp Sponsorship

While still a relatively new program offered by our organization, we also offer sponsorships for teenage students to attend a week-long overnight summer camp through our partnership with Camp of the Hills. We believe that camp offers an opportunity for students to break away from their normal routine and encounter God in an environment that is cultivated to expereince time in His beautiful creation and engage with other like-minded students and staff. 

In our experience, some of the most impactful moments in a young believer's life happen at summer camp where they can disconnect from the world and reconnect with their Creator.

Summer 2022 was our pilot summer for this program, and it was a huge hit with the families we served.  Each student was given one full week of overnight summer camp, a Chainbreakers T-Shirt, a Chainbreakers journal, and Bible.  

For Summer 2023, we were able to sponsor an entire Cabin (10 students) for one full week of camp, and for one stident to attend their summer discupleship program for 5 weeks! We believe in developing community partnerships and watching God's Kingdom expand through those relationships! 

Central Texas Treament Center

This year, we had the honor and privilege of starting to serve the adult residents at the Central Texas Treatment Center in Granger, TX. In conjunction with their normal recovery programming, we provide bi-weekly church services with life change messages straight from the Bible, and encourage the residents at the facility to walk in the freedom that Jesus already paid for. We also had our first annual Live Worship Service provided by the generosity of the worship team from Generations Church in Leander, TX.